How Long Does It Take to Record a Deed When Buying a Home in Southwest Florida?

When you're buying a home in Southwest Florida, the process of registering a deed can take anywhere from two weeks to three months. After the closing process is complete, those involved in real estate transactions usually want to record the deed as soon as possible. The current rates and accepted payments can be found on the Rates (& Costs) page, and a full list of available recording forms can be found on the forms page. For information on electronic document registration, visit the electronic recording page. It's important to note that registering a new deed can affect your property tax exemptions, so it's important to visit the property appraiser's website for more information. If any changes need to be made to a deed, a new document must be prepared and registered.

The clerk's office does not provide or fill out forms. Once the new document is completed, it must be taken to the Secretary's office for registration. The note and mortgage are two important documents that are required when financing is approved for buying a property. The note is usually a long-form document printed on legal-sized paper and usually has two to three pages, but no more than five. This document guarantees the debt owed to the person who applied for the loan and specifies the period available for repayment. The mortgage is the security instrument that evidences the tax imposed on the property to guarantee the debt.

It's important to note that buyers listed on the mortgage or on the deed do not necessarily appear on the note. Documents filed in a county or circuit court that are not subtitled as final judgments are not available in the official records of the Records, Tax and Treasury Division.The Broward County Records, Tax and Treasury Division can provide certified copies of recorded documents, including all documents related to real estate ownership in Broward County since 1883.

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